Minggu, 19 Juni 2011

Ravenclaw tower

Ravenclaw Tower

Ravenclaw Tower
Location information
Permanent residents
Ravenclaw students (as long as in school)
The Ravenclaw Tower is located on the west side of Hogwarts, the staircase leading up to the common room is presumably located on the fifth floor, and is the location of the Ravenclaw common room and dormitories. The entrance to the room is at the top of a spiral staircase, and is a door without doorknob or keyhole but a bronze knocker in the shape of an eagle. In order to enter the room, a person must answer a question asked by the eagle knocker; if they answer incorrectly, they must wait for someone else who gets it right.[HP7]

The Ravenclaw common room is one of the most airy rooms at Hogwarts. It is a wide, circular room with a midnight blue carpet, arched windows hung with soft blue silks, and a domed ceiling painted with stars. During the day, the Ravenclaw students have an excellent view of the surrounding mountains. The room is furnished with tables, chairs, and bookcases; and by the door leading up to the dormitories, there is a tall statue of Rowena Ravenclaw made of white marble.
Ravenclaw Common Room

Known questions

Question: "Which came first, the phoenix, or the flame?"
Answer: "A circle has no beginning."
— Luna Lovegood[src]

Question: "Where do Vanished objects go?"
Answer: "Into nonbeing, which is to say, everything."
— Minerva McGonagall[src]

Behind the scenesEdit

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